The explosive growth of legal cannabis has changed the industry seismically. Except for this: Women remain woefully underserved. However, the sector’s rising number of fem-preneurs is creating the culture shift from its former tie-dyed stoners to today’s high-end business minded consumers wanting to learn more about this under appreciated green power plant.

Maria L. Cordeiro serves as Chief Marketing Officer for My Green Network (MyGN) ), and says, “Cannabis represents an industry of health and wellness whether you utilize its benefits for medical or recreational purposes. As awareness grows, people are finding out just how incredible this industry is and the number of opportunities that are available in the space, especially for women.”

Cordeiro has outlined her top 6 tips for women looking to go into the cannabis industry:

1) Don’t overthink it or get overwhelmed by licenses you need and where to begin. If you want to have your own cannabis business, just do it, that is why My Green Network was started to help YOU go green the way you want.

2) Every entrepreneurship is difficult, and that is amplified in the cannabis sector, so definitely study your state’s legislation because there’s a lot of differences between states. Then just start! Baby steps!

3) Branding is HUGE in every industry, but especially in the cannabis industry. If there’s nothing that differs your brand from others, you are probably going to have a lot of difficulties surviving the competition.

4) Understand the culture behind it – there’s a lot of ups and downs in the industry…understanding why people are so passionate about it will help you create what they are looking for or what they need before they even know they need it.

5) I like the saying: “Good Fortune is what happens when opportunity meets planning”. There’s a lot of different opportunities in this industry but if you don’t plan it right and make it happen, it won’t work! There are plenty of resource out there to help.

6) Lastly, I would say: partner with the right people! There are so many amazing women leading this industry and learning or collaborating with them will definitely help your business (and theirs) to grow!

Maria L. Cordeiro serves as Chief Marketing Officer for My Green Network (MyGN), overseeing all aspects of strategic marketing planning, design and content for the forward-thinking brand, as well as leveraging key industry partnerships, events, and outreach initiatives. Cordeiro brings to the MyGN team expertise in comprehensive branding and marketing strategies from her role as owner and founder of Studio Goesto. There, she partnered with public figures and global companies focused on environmental conservancy, developing visionary methods to help grow brands such as Wildlife Acoustics, Bushnell, and Log Nature. Committed to MyGN’s goal of helping to level the playing field for creative cannabis entrepreneurs seeking to “Go Green the Way You Want,” Cordeiro also developed the “Find Your Green” platform (currently in beta). Designed to directly connect cannabis licensed enterprises with a valuable network of like-minded business owners, this powerful tool will be offered complimentary to all MyGN members.

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