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“You Want Employees Who are Willing to Fight with You and Make Sure That the Company Becomes One of the Leading Players in the Industry.” with Johan Obel and Len Giancola

"You want employees who are willing to fight with you and make sure that the company becomes one of

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“I Would Rather Trust Somebody and Have Them Start Using Their Cognitive Function to Solve Problems on the Company’s Behalf Than to Micromanage Them.” with Ryne O’Donnell and Len Giancola

I am a big believer in immediate trust. I don’t believe that trust is earned. I believe that trust can

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“You’re Only as Strong as the People Working Around You, so Respecting Them and Empowering Them Should be a Priority.” with Brooke Alpert and Len Giancola

"In my businesses, I always remember what I felt like when I was an assistant or an intern early on

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“It is Incredibly Important to Me to Raise Awareness About the Healing Properties of This Plant” with Aryn Sieber and Len Giancola

It is incredibly important to me to raise awareness for the healing properties of this plant, and reach more

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“Give Your Team Credit and Recognition for Everything, Because They Deserve It.” with Karson Humiston and Len Giancola

"Give your team credit and recognition for everything, because they deserve it. I see a lot of CEO’s out there

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“I Wish Someone Told Me That the CBD Industry Would Continue to Have a Stigma Associated with It.” with Vincent Vitale and Fotis Georgiadis

‍As part of my series about “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started Leading a Cannabis Business”

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