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“My Goal Every Single Day is to Set Up My Employees for Success So That I’ll Ultimately Have to Fight at the End of the Year to Keep Them.” with Garrett Perdue and Len Giancola

"The single most important aspect of my business is the people I invest in. My goal every single day

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“Get Used to Hearing the Word, ‘No’ but Don’t Let it Discourage or Slow You Down” with Corey “CK” Dunson and Len Giancola

Get used to hearing the word, “no” but don’t let it discourage or slow you down. I have received

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“I Find It Exciting and Effective to Empower the Team to Move Forward on Their Own, Allowing Autonomy and Letting Each Individual Carve Their Own Path.” with Gabe Kennedy, Hudson Gaines-Ross and Len Giancola

"The most impactful ideas that I have assumed as a young leader is to lead from the back, like a

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"Be the Hardest Working Person in the Office, be the First One There and Last One to Leave…" with Curt Dalton and Len Giancola

Today, I had the pleasure of interviewing Curt Dalton, Founder & CEO of Cannabis.net, an online destination and mobile

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“I Have Noticed That People are Drinking Less and are Opting for Marijuana Instead.” with Alex Pasternack and Len Giancola

"I am really energized by the cultural shift that’s allowing cannabis to take up some of the space that’s been

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“You Want Employees Who are Willing to Fight with You and Make Sure That the Company Becomes One of the Leading Players in the Industry.” with Johan Obel and Len Giancola

"You want employees who are willing to fight with you and make sure that the company becomes one of

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“You’re Only as Strong as the People Working Around You, so Respecting Them and Empowering Them Should be a Priority.” with Brooke Alpert and Len Giancola

"In my businesses, I always remember what I felt like when I was an assistant or an intern early on

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I Know if CBD Helped Me, It Will Help Others Who May be Struggling with Similar Skin Problems. With Actress Sarah McDaniels

‍I had the pleasure to interview actress, model, and CBD leader Sarah McDaniels. What is your “backstory”? How did you

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“I Would Rather Trust Somebody and Have Them Start Using Their Cognitive Function to Solve Problems on the Company’s Behalf Than to Micromanage Them.” with Ryne O’Donnell and Len Giancola

I am a big believer in immediate trust. I don’t believe that trust is earned. I believe that trust can

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“It is Incredibly Important to Me to Raise Awareness About the Healing Properties of This Plant” with Aryn Sieber and Len Giancola

It is incredibly important to me to raise awareness for the healing properties of this plant, and reach more

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